Career and Technical Training

Please click any of the links below for further information.

  1. Building Bridges to Careers Upcoming events (Fall 2022):

    1. 2022 Discover Accounting Day.jpg September 30 @ Perry and Associates

    2. 2nd Annual CCCL Summit.png Oct. 6 & 7

    3. Manufacturing in Action Oct 7th @WCCC

    4. Discover Manufacturing Day.png Oct 23rd: @ Thermo Fisher Scientific

    5. FCAD.jpg Nov 2nd Family Career Awareness Day student registration

    6. Inspiring tomorrow's workforce, today..jpg Family Career Awareness Day Business and Student Registration: Family Career Awareness Day 2022 Business/Vendor | Register | GivePulse

2022 Career Camp

Download the flyer and application or pick up a copy in the high school media center!

Washington County Career Center 21740 State Route 676, Marietta

June 6-10, 2022, from 9 AM to 2 PM

  • Explore how your interests fit future careers
  • Enjoy breakfast, lunch & light snack (Included each day)
  • Receive $20 Marietta Bucks for each full day attended
  • Transportation Provided

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • Ages 13-16 • Attend school in Washington County • Parents must complete the Washington County Prevention, Retention & Contingency Application * Application questions, please contact Ohio Department Job & Family Services Dawn Freeland – 740-434-0513 • Return application to Mrs. Cunningham by Friday, May 27.Building Bridges to Careers
Local organization dedicated to "bridging the gap between education and employment."

We have exciting news about the BBC job shadowing program! This year we have seen a huge increase in requests. We have been working to streamline the process to decrease turnaround time between when the request is submitted and when the placements are finalized and sent to the students and schools. Here is the process:

1. Go to

2. Download and sign the permission waiver and liability form on the site.

3. Come back to to fill in the job shadowing request form.

4. Before the student can submit the form they MUST upload the permission form to the website. They will then receive an email with their responses. This is how students know the form has been submitted.

5. If there is additional paperwork we will let you and the student know. Once all paperwork is turned in to BB2C, we can work on the request.

6. Once the placement is finalized it will be emailed to the appropriate school contacts and the student.

There are several new requirements that have come up from hosts. For example, for Camden Clark: 1. To shadow in the OB department students must have the following vaccines: T-dap vaccination, flu, and Hep A. 2. To shadow in the ED: a flu shot is required. In an effort to offer students a placement with fewer requirements, Suzy has developed a relationship with Welch Urgent Care and Wellness in Caldwell. For those wanting to shadow a nurse practitioner, pediatrician, or nurse to name a few can go there if transportation is feasible. Also, students will be able to shadow one placement a semester. This gives them the opportunity to shadow in the fall, spring, and again in summer if they wish to do so.

Business Schools in Ohio

Resource featuring 72 public and non-profit schools in the state granting undergraduate and graduate business degrees.

Job Corps
The largest free residential education and job training program for young adults (ages 16-24); the closest office is in Charleston WV.

Marietta Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee is selecting candidates through Jan. 31, 2019. Contact Daryl Jones at 740-629-1413 or [email protected] for more information.

Nursing School 411

A guide with information on many nursing programs in the state of Ohio.

OhioMeansJobs K-12
A source of career exploration and preparation information.

Scholarships for Trade Schools in Ohio
If a four-year degree is not for you, check out some other opportunities.

Washington County Career Center
The Career Center offers a variety of opportunities. Students can become skilled in a technical field, gain immediate employment upon high school graduation, and/or further their studies in college, apprenticeship, or trade school. You may also enjoy their Recruitment Video on YouTube!

Current sophomores may click here to apply online, OR click here to download a form to mail, OR pick up a form in the high school media center.

WCCC also has articulation agreements with many area partners for Adult Learners. Visit this link for details:

Washington County Job & Family Services
JFS' goal is to meet the needs of all Washington County residents by providing essential, life sustaining services with dignity and compassion. The agency is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., but closed on all state holidays.


Wings of Women Cleveland Conference Nov.9, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Wings of Women (WOW) conference is geared towards high school female students interested in pursuing STEM career fields. We bring in professional female mentors from various STEM fields, who spend the day speaking with the students about how they got to where they are today. There are also hands-on activities that go along with each of these fields to help spark further interest. This is a great opportunity for young ladies to be inspired and empowered to pursue whatever their hearts desire. Upon arrival, a light breakfast will be available and lunch will be provided later in the day. Upon departure, each student will receive a bag of information from various colleges and universities about their select STEM fields.

Applications are required for each student wishing to attend. The deadline for applications is November 1, 2019, along with a $5 reservation fee. This fee will be returned upon check-in on the morning of the event. A parent's signature is required in order for each student to participate. Incomplete and late applications will not be
accepted. If there are any questions, please contact us, Monday through Friday, between 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at 216.623.1111 or email [email protected].

Ohio Valley Job And Career Fair

If you're looking for employment, the WTRF Ohio Valley Job and Career Fair, sponsored by Youth Services System, is the place to be on September 10th at the Highlands Event Center! The event lasts from 10:30-4 and 5-7. Come prepared to meet with employers from a variety of industries that are looking to hire entry-level to experienced workers. Dress professionally, bring copies of your resume, and be prepared for onsite interviews.

Fall Job Fair (link not available)

The annual fall job fair will be held at Grand Pointe Conference Center, 1500 Grand Central Ave. Vienna, on Sept. 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Family Career Awareness Day

The Sixth Annual Family Career Awareness Day will be held Thursday, October 17, 4:00 - 7:00 PM, in the Washington County Jr. Fair Building. The event is open to students in grades 7-12, and their PARENTS! The purpose of Family Career Awareness Day is to increase awareness and knowledge of potential career opportunities by showcasing local businesses to students and PARENTS. Our hope is to especially engage parents in the event, since we know from 10 years of student surveys that mom and dad have the most influence on a student's career decision, right behind personal experience. Students and parents can visit over 50 local employers together to learn what these careers entail. Free food and door prizes!!

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